Monday, Sept 9

Turn on diary and log your work from sections 1.3 through 2.3.7. (Do 2.3.7, don't yet do 2.3.8)

These are my notes for section 1.3

The plot command on the bottom of page 25 does not work for me. I get:
%x = 0 : pi/20 : 6 * pi;
%plot(x, exp(-0.2*x) .* sin(x), ’k’),grid
It looks like the ’k’ (which I cut and pasted) is incorrect. It needs 'k' (which I typed using the apostrophe.)
x = 0 : pi/20 : 6 * pi;
plot(x, exp(-0.2*x) .* sin(x), 'k'),grid

Windows vs Mac

The text is using Windows, so for any of you using Windows, that's great. But for those of us on Mac's (including lab computers), ctrl- should be replaced with command-
In section 1.3.2, it refers to how to save files. On the Mac version, there is a "Save" icon in the upper left of the "Live Editor" tab. You can do "Save as" by clicking the arrow under the "Save" under the icon.

Some unix commands that work in MatLab:

pwd %shows the current directory
ans = '/Users/jessicakintner/Dropbox/SMC/classes/phys102/myMatLab/dataFiles'
mkdir dataFiles %make a directory named dataFiles
cd dataFiles %change directory to dataFiles
ans = '/Users/jessicakintner/Dropbox/SMC/classes/phys102/myMatLab/dataFiles/dataFiles'
cd .. % go up one directory
ans = '/Users/jessicakintner/Dropbox/SMC/classes/phys102/myMatLab/dataFiles'
rmdir dataFiles %remove the dir dataFiles

Chapter 2

Notes for section 2.3


Matrix: the usual thing you think of from math. It has rows and columns.


Vector: a special case of a matrix that has only one row or one column.
These are called lists or arrays in other programming languages. We also use the word array.